
Archive for March 1, 2010

Breakdown of the American Family

March 1, 2010 5 comments

Letter from ItiA

There is much talk in the United States about the breakdown of the family. Everyone is saying that the old concept of the mother, father, and a bunch of kids that all stick together through life is starting to decay in our society.

I have some bad news for these people. The family structure broke down over a hundred years ago. You are just so stupid and slow that you are just beginning to notice it. You fail to notice what the glue of the family structure is, and how it functions. The family structure has nothing to do with the participants (whether there is a mother or father or for that matter even kids). The family structure is built on activities. True families work together, gather food together, and even dream together. The day that the American family decided that it was right and good to send the children off to the city to work at a factory, or send a child to a school in a distant State, the family structure was forever dismantled.

In their idiocy, those who are fighting for the family in America today are pushing the single idea that where there is a mother AND father, there is a family. Really? So a family is simply a structure with two figureheads and nothing else. No clause of closeness or love? That is like saying every house is a home.

The truth is that as you “send your child out into the world”, as you push your child into a corporate job, you forcing them to replace you. Corporate jobs are the same as marriages. You are committing the bulk of your waking time to their pleasure. There is nothing left for the family. The family just gets your leftovers, not your best. That is where the family dies. When this happens to everyone in the family then the family is just a co-habitation group and no longer a group of common goals and common dreams, no longer a family.

In the United States today, the family is a rarity. The majority of America that claims to have a family, when all they really have is a co-habitation arrangement. Its not until the group has to deal with stress or money do they realize that they are not part of a family.

Help, I am ItiA (Inside the insane America)