
Posts Tagged ‘bigot’

Chick-Fil-A : Agree or Not…Bigotry has to end in the US

HBO recently broadcast the best wake up call ever for Americans. We have lost our #1 status in this world and it seems that we are the last to realize it.

The key phrases are “Aspired to Intelligence”, “Didn’t scare so easily”, and “We were informed” concerning the greatest generation ever. Now we are the Worst generation ever…and it is people like Chick-Fil-A president Dan Cathy, who boldly espouses his bigotry that show our fall.

Instead of making it socially unacceptable to have an alternative lifestyle….why don’t we make is socially unacceptable to have a hate based lifestyle.

Chic-fil-A, the Chick Bigot Restaurant

American can only be #1 if ALL Americans are living a good life. I don’t know when this idea of the 1% being the only people with rights, or the Christian Right as being the only people that mattered, but it has to stop. ALL Americans deserve better than Chick-fil-A.

Itia (Aborad