
Archive for February, 2012

Santorum : Choice between Religion and Freedom

February 25, 2012 Leave a comment

Its time to be honest. Thank you Mr. Santorum for stating your platform in a clear and concise manner. It has been a long time since the GOP has stood on its own platform. You should be given credit for standing on the GOP Christian Right Wing principles…..even if you may be doing it just to be elected.

Rick Santorum stands on the Christian platform. My statement to everyone who reads this article is that “The Christian Platform DOES NOT MIX with the Freedom Platform” If you believe that we can have a Christian government AND a Free Country, then I beg to differ.

To prove this point I will use his own platform, his religion, and his own Bible. Let’s begin your education:

Rick Santorum, and every Christian leader will agree with the following statements. They call them declarations of faith.

1) To become a Christian you must “Give your life to Christ”.
2) Every Christian is a “Servant of Jesus Christ”
3) You are “reborn” into a new life as a servant of god. You are no longer the master of your body or soul, you have given that up to God and pray that he keeps you from any act that will offend him.

In their own words, they are relinquishing control……they are giving up ownership and freedom, they are throwing themselves on the mercy of the “god court” and pledging their allegiance.

Those who have serve the military all know about this problem. In the military you serve your country. “God and Country”……….but which comes first? The answer is “country”, but for a Christian soldier this is impossible….they already belong totally to Jesus.

Rick Santorum is a servant of God (If he is really telling the truth about his beliefs) and not a servant of the United States of America. He will try to convince you that he wants to serve America, but even his own book (the Bible) says that this is impossible : Matthew 6:24 : No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other

Whether you are a Christian or an Atheist, the one thing you have to agree is that you cannot have a President who is a PUBLIC SERVANT, who is a Christian. Christians serve Jesus.

Looking at the Bible verse again….Santorum, according to his own book, “despises our country”. He must. America is a diverse society. If he serves our country well he betrays his God. If he serves his GOD well, he betrays those who believe in our Country.

This will happen by his removal of our freedoms. This is the part that makes me sick to my stomach. While Santorum, and all the other GOP candidates sit on their soap boxes and talk about how Obama will take away American freedoms… is ONLY Santorum who proudly states his intentions of ending our freedoms. His reasoning is simple…..IT CONFILCTS WITH HIS BELIEFS AS A CHISTIAN.

What he is doing is NOT wrong as far as the structure and rules of our country. We are not a capitalistic country, we are not a socialistic country, we are not a communistic country……we are a democracy. That means we can change. If the majority of people in the USA want to have a Church State, then it is their power to make it that way. Rick Santorum is running on the platform of creating a Church State….a place where everyone , Christian or non-Christian, is subject to the laws of his Church.

As for me…..I am a Freedom-loving America. Give me Freedom….You keep the Death brought on by a Church State to yourself.

Because we are only a two party system, I will be force to look at the 2012 elections in this way:

GOP : Religious State : (Same as Catholic state, Muslim State or Judaism State) No Freedoms

Democrats : Freedoms and Individual Rights : I am not happy with Obama, but at least he will not take away my freedom.

Itia (Abroad)

Republican : GOP : Conservatism : The forgotten definitions

February 21, 2012 Leave a comment

What is the world is going on with Republicans? Who are these front runner candidates over the past two decades? What am I missing here?

Don’t you remember when it was easy to tell a “conservative” Republican from a “liberal” Democrat?

In the last century you could tell a liberal by the clothes they were wearing and the fact that they would be out picketing something or holding a protest. All the conservatives were busy leading their quietly desperate lives and would not be caught dead exposing their emotions like liberals…..after all THEY WERE CONSERVATIVE.

Who is Rick Santorum and why would anyone call him a conservative?

Have we gotten so stupid that as long as someone says “I hate abortion” and “God Hates Gays” we call them conservative? Is that definition of conservatism?

Lesson in the English language for all Republicans: Conservative means: disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change.

Republicans have done more to change the “status quo” in our nation that any other political force. The Changes Reagan and the two bumbling Bush’s made, like them or not, radically changed our country. There is nothing conservative about them.

Wikipedia notes : Conservatism in the United States : The meaning of “conservatism” in America has little in common with the way the word is used elsewhere. As Ribuffo (2011) notes, “what Americans now call conservatism much of the world calls liberalism or neoliberalism

See….the whole world sees the Republican Party as a fraud. A political party using catch phrases and fear of foreign cultures to gather support.

The FACT is that the closest thing to a conservative candidate in the current Republican nomination process is Ron Paul. All of his changes are intended to bring back the US of the 1950’s (economically), and to restore individual freedoms. That is about as conservative as possible for a Republican.

As for Mitt Romney, he and Rick Santorum share one characteristic….they are in this for the money. They will say anything to be elected, and then you will have another George W. Bush on your hands. Nobody wants that.

Itia (abroad)

Forbes Magzine : Blame China for Gas Price? Really?

February 20, 2012 1 comment

When Forbes Magazine has writers like John Dobosz putting his name on their brand, there is a definite hint to the fact that the print media industry is hitting all time lows.

His article : Blame Iran And China For Rising Gas Prices : is the kind of “shock jock” news that you find on Fox News. The only problem is that since it is printed media and not video with voice, there is time to reflect on the words and to consider what he is really saying.

If Fox News was in written format, the idiotic nature of their statements would be self evident. In John Dobosz’s case his words show the lack of thought or logic that went into his piece. His own words speak out against his claims and in the end he just looks moronic.

His basic premise is that we need to blame Iran and China for high oil prices.

In his opening paragraph he states his basic evidence against Iran….

Iran’s Oil Ministry on Sunday announced the suspension of crude oil sales to companies from the U.K and France as the Islamic state responds to a European Union embargo set to take effect July 1. France’s Total and Britain’s BP had already ceased purchasing Iranian oil prior to the announcement, so the impact on supply and demand may be tiny.

Did you notice the last sentence? “so the impact on supply and demand may be tiny” Excuse me Mr. Dobosz but aren’t the oil prices supposed to be based on supply and demand? If the supply and demand is not changing, then why is the price going up???? Easy. America and Israel are threatening to start another Middle East war in 2012. For future oil deliveries this means upwards pressure on the speculation of the oil price at that time. Our threat of war is the reason why it is going up.

The set of proof against China being the reason for high gas prices according to Mr. Dobosz is …

Combined with a surprise decision on Saturday by the People’s Bank of China to reduce banks’ reserve requirements for the second time since November, however, Iran’s action helped to boost West Texas Intermediate crude oil above $105 per barrel in electronic trading Monday.

So how exactly does the reduction in reserve requirements for banks in China affect oil prices? Looking back in 2011, didn’t the China make a bunch of raises in the reserve requirements of banks? The Wall Street Journal reported on June 15, 2011, “By AARON BACK

BEIJING—China’s central bank raised the percentage of deposits that banks must hold in reserve for the sixth time this year, moving quickly to further damp lending after the latest inflation reading showed prices rising at the fastest pace since July 2008.”

So the lowering of the reserve requirements after 6 raises of the reserve requirements last year is a reason for high oil prices?

Lastly, Mr. Dobosz tries to label China with 1.3 billion people as an oil hog. Unfortunately in the same paragraph he notes that they will be the second largest consumer of oil, behind America with 400 million people. In fact he shows that China will be using half the oil of America.

China’s government forecasts total demand to rise 5% this year to 9.9 million barrels per day, making China the second thirstiest country for crude. U.S. demand is down 5.7% over the past year to 18.026 million barrels per day in January. With total global production of around 90 million barrels per day, the U.S. consumes 20% of available crude oil, while China buys about 12%.

The truth is that we have no one but ourselves to blame for high oil prices. We are constantly at war, and constantly feeding our addiction to oil. At the same time we are one of the slowest nations to adopt alternative energies.

The bottom line about Forbes is that they are losing market share so quickly that they are resorting to baseless news articles meant to inflame prejudice and create fear, as a last ditch effort to sell magazines. They are hiring people like John Dobosz, who is willing to write these kind of mindless articles.

Itia (Abroad)

Santorum and the Insanity of the Christian Right

February 20, 2012 Leave a comment

Santorum was down and out just a few months ago. The laughing stock of the campaign. Nothing to offer as a new candidate. No new ideas, no leadership qualities, no track record of excellence.

Now he is a close second in the GOP national nomination process for their presidential candidate.

What changed? Santorum latched on to the Christian right. Romney couldn’t because the crazy Christian right sees him as a member of a cult. Paul can’t because he is a conservative who believes in individual freedoms (Christian Right believes in fascism in the form of forcing everyone in our country to adhere to Christian law). Sound familiar? It should. The same efforts we see in our Christian right in America are seen in the Muslim right around the world. The effort to work within the political process of the country to bring about submission and adherence to religious laws.

So the laughing stock of the campaign courted the Christian right, who for the first time in a long time did not have a “christian right” candidate in the race, and they accepted him as their candidate.

The insanity of the Christian right is that they do not conduct due diligence on any candidate that campaigns as the Christian candidate. They just love hearing their group’s name so much that they will take anyone. Remember Pat Buchanon? Remember Pat Robertson?

To understand the insanity of the Christian right you only need to look at their claims….

Pat Robertson : claim that some Protestant denominations harbor the spirit of the Antichrist, and his claims of having the power to deflect hurricanes through prayer; he has also denounced Hinduism as “demonic” and Islam as “Satanic.” Robertson has issued multiple condemnations of feminism, homosexuality, abortion and liberal college professors

So Santorum has hitched his presidential hopes on the votes of this radical group within our society. He has taken on the role of a radical and started spouting all the lies required to scare the Christian right into voting for him. Fear is the number 1 motivator of Christians. Bush used it for 8 years with phrases like “axis of evil” and “terrorist sleeper cells”. Now Santorum has take up the cause and has been spewing a long string of lies in the recent campaign trail.

Rationalwiki has documented his long history of bizarre and wholly incorrect statements:

Random positions
America as a Christian nation

During his 2012 Presidential campaign announcement, Santorum proclaimed that America was founded on the Bible and Judeo-Christian values. He repeated the old religious right lies that all the Founders were Christians and had planned to establish this country as a Christian nation.

But not too charitable

On 8 December 2011, Santorum engaged in a non sequitur in arguing that poor and unemployed Americans don’t need food stamps because there is an epidemic of obesity in the country.[3]

Intelligent Design
See the main article on this topic: Santorum Amendment

In 2001, Santorum tried unsuccessfully to insert language which came to be known as the “Santorum Amendment” into the No Child Left Behind bill that sought to promote the teaching of intelligent design while questioning the academic standing of evolution in public schools.


Santorum is no friend of gays, he has been called a bigot. He has compared consensual homosexuality to having sex with a dog, adultery, bigamy, incest, polygamy, and doing “anything,” presumably anything outrageously bad.[4][5]

Rick is concerned about the effects of gay marriage on children.[6] In a 2003 interview with the Associated Press responding to a question about how to prevent sexual abuse of children by priests, Santorum said the priests were engaged in “a basic homosexual relationship,” and went on to say that he had “no problem with homosexuality. I have a problem with homosexual acts.”[7] Santorum explained his views, particularly that the right to privacy (as detailed in Griswold v. Connecticut) “doesn’t exist in my opinion in the United States Constitution.” Santorum went further by explaining that, “whether it’s polygamy, whether it’s adultery, whether it’s sodomy, all of those things are antithetical to a healthy, stable, traditional family.” Finally, he claimed that sodomy laws properly exist to prevent acts that “undermine the basic tenets of our society and the family.” When the Associated Press reporter asked whether homosexuals should not then engage in homosexual acts, Santorum replied:

“Every society in the history of man has upheld the institution of marriage as a bond between a man and a woman. Why? Because society is based on one thing: that society is based on the future of the society. And that’s what? Children. Monogamous relationships. In every society, the definition of marriage has not ever to my knowledge included homosexuality.[8] That’s not to pick on homosexuality. It’s not, you know, man on child, man on dog, or whatever the case may be. It is one thing. And when you destroy that you have a dramatic impact on the quality.”[9]

His opponents fought back by working to “attach his name to a sex act that would make his big white teeth fall out of his big, empty head,”[10] see Santorum.

Boston Catholic Church abuse scandal

In 2002, Santorum made an article about the Roman Catholic Church sex abuse scandal. Santorum wrote:

“It is startling that those in the media and academia appear most disturbed by this aberrant behavior, since they have zealously promoted moral relativism by sanctioning ‘private’ moral matters such as alternative lifestyles. Priests, like all of us, are affected by culture. When the culture is sick, every element in it becomes infected. While it is no excuse for this scandal, it is no surprise that Boston, a seat of academic, political and cultural liberalism in America, lies at the center of the storm.”

WMDs in Iraq

In June 2006, Santorum declared that weapons of mass destruction had been found in Iraq. Officials of the Department of Defense, CIA intelligence analysts, and the White House have all explicitly stated that these expired casings are not part of the WMD threat that Operation Iraqi Freedom was launched to contain. The specific weapons Santorum referred to were chemical munitions dating back to the Iran–Iraq War that were buried in the early 1990s.

Accolades from colleagues

“Santorum — That’s Latin for asshole” – former Senator Bob Kerrey (D-NE).[11]

Climate denial

“There is no such thing as global warming.”[12]

Abortion and African-Americans

Ricky has rather colorful views on African-Americans and abortion:

“He can’t answer that simple question, which is not a debatable question. I don’t think you’ll find a biologist in the world who would say that [a fetus] is not a human life. The question is, and this is what Barack Obama didn’t want to answer — is that human life a person under the Constitution? Barack Obama says no, well if that human life is not a person then…I find it almost remarkable for a black man to say ‘now we are going to decide who are people and who are not people.'”[13]

Welfare and African-Americans bla-people

In case you thought the last one was just a mistake:

“…the state of Iowa is gonna get fined if they don’t sign up more people under the medicaid program. They’ve just pushing [sic] more and more of you to get dependent on them so they can get your vote—t-that’s what the bottom line is. I don’t want t-to make black people’s lives better by giving them somebody else’s money, I want to give them the opportunity to go out and earn the money, and provide for themselves and their families.”[14]

And the crowd claps.

It’s often quote mined to just “I don’t want to make black people’s lives better,” but it’s not much kinder in context. Many welfare recipients are of other ethnic groups, and Rick-baby seems to follow age-old stereotypes about black people.

Rick denies saying exactly that, instead preferring the term African American. The general consensus is he did only say “bla- people”, though whatever the hell that could stand for is up for debate.[15] Oddly enough, Herman Cain seems to be sticking up for him.

The only good news about Santorum is that should he win the GOP nomination, there is no way on earth that he can win the Presidency. The skeletons in his closet are stacked high and wide. The days of the Christian right being able to take a national election are over…..there are too many rational people in our country now who know the Christian right as dangerous and insane.

Itia (Abroad)

Democracy + Unregulated Capitalism = Corporatocracy

February 18, 2012 2 comments

Game Over

Turn out the lights, the fat lady has sung.

We now have the equation that changes the theory to law. This is the end of “The Great Experiment”

The hypothesis of The Great Experiment was “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

Once we relinquished our currency in 1913, and deregulated investments and international banking, we bastardized The Great Experiment. The equation changed from one of “how to form a perfect union” to “what happens when corporations rule a society”. Here is the end equation of The Great Experiment.

Democracy + Unregulated Capitalism = Corporatocracy

Our founding fathers could not have imagined that this was the equation of the American Experiment. They started with a rough copy of the French democracy and added their own American flair. They knew one thing for certain. They knew that banks ruin civilizations.
Our founding fathers took every precaution possible to keep us from this end to our great country, but even that was not enough. Corporations have won. We are no longer a functional democracy, but rather a corporatocracy. They are in control and there is nothing that our current democratic society can do about it.

Evidence of our founding fathers desire to restrict banking and business is everywhere in the early legislation of our government. In fact, our entire revolution was based around the fact that England and international bankers wanted to maintain control of our money system, tax system, and trade system. With this control, they could effectively enslave us. That was the corporatocracy model in the time of monarchs. Now we are slaves in the corporatocracy model of capitalism.

The entire fight of our independence has been best summed up in the book “Pawns in the Game”. While there are religious undertones in this old book, it is still a wealth of information on the reality of influence by international banking on our society. This same influence that was defeated in the Revolutionary War, that is now in control of our government.

Pawns in the Game – CHAPTER FIVE
The American Revolution

In order to understand how men who obtained control of the Bank of England, and the British National Debt, also obtained control of the trade and commerce, and the monetary system of Britain’s American colonies, it will be sufficient if we pick up the threads of the story at the time Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) went over to
England to represent the interests of the men who had been associated with him in building up the prosperity of the American Colonies.

Robert L. Owen, former chairman, Committee on Banking and Currency, United States Senate, explains the matter on page 98 of Senate Document No. 23. He states that when associates of the Rothschild’s asked Franklin how he accounted for the prosperous conditions prevailing in the colonies, he replied : “That is simple — In the Colonies we issue our own money. It is called Colonial Script — We issue it in proper proportion to the demands of trade and industry.”

Robert L. Owen remarked that not very long after the Rothschilds heard of this they realized the opportunity to exploit the situation with considerable profit to themselves. The obvious thing to do was to have a law passed prohibiting the Colonial officials from issuing their own money and make it compulsory for them to obtain the money they required through the medium of the Banks. Amschel Mayer Rothschild was still in Germany but he was supplying the British Government with Mercenary Troops at £8 per man. Such was his influence that in 1764 he succeeded, through the Directors of the Bank of England, in having laws passed in accordance with his dictates.

The authorities in the Colonies had to discard their Script money. They had to mortgage the Colonial assets and securities to the Bank of England in order to borrow the money they needed to carry on business. Referring to those facts Benjamin Franklin stated. “In one year the conditions were so reversed that the era of prosperity ended, and a depression set in, to such an extent that the streets of the Colonies were filled with unemployed.” Franklin stated : “The Bank of England refused to give more than 50 per cent of the face value of the Script when turned over as required by law. The circulating medium of exchange was thus reduced by half”.[1]

Mr. Franklin disclosed the primary cause of the Revolution when he said: “The Colonies would gladly have borne the little tax on tea and other matters had it not been that England took away from the Colonies their money, which created unemployment and dissatisfaction.”

Dissatisfaction became general, but very few Colonials realized that the taxation, and other economic sanctions being imposed on them, were the results of the activities of a small group of International Gangsters, who had succeeded in obtaining control of the British Treasury, after they had obtained control of the Bank of England. It has already been shown how they jumped Britain’s National Debt from £1,250,000 in 1694 to £16,000,000 in 1698, and increased it progressively to £885,000,000 by 1815, and £22,503,532,372 by 1945.

On April 19th 1775, the first armed clashes between British and Colonials took place at Lexington and Concord. On May 10th the Second Continental Congress met at Philadelphia and George Washington was placed at the head of the Naval and Military Force. He took command at Cambridge. On July 4th, 1776 Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence.

For the next seven years the International money-lenders urged and financed the Colonial War. The Rothschilds made plenty of money supplying the British with German Hessian soldiers with which to fight the Colonists. The average Britisher had no quarrel with his American cousins.[2] He secretly sympathized with them.

On October 19th, 1781 the British Commander, General Cornwallis, surrendered his whole army, including what was left of the Hessians. On September 3rd, 1783 the Independence of the United States was recognized by the Peace Treaty of Paris. The only real losers were the British people. Their National Debt had been increased tremendously and the International money-lenders (who were in reality the Secret Power behind the World Revolutionary Movement) had succeeded in the first stage of the long range plans towards the dissolution of the British Empire.[3]

The agents of the international bankers worked industriously to prevent unity. By keeping the various states in America separated it was much easier to exploit them. To prove the continuity of the Foreign money-lenders meddling in the affairs of every nation it is sufficient to record that the Foundling Fathers of the United States meeting at Philadelphia in 1787 talked over the importance of bringing in some form of legislation which would protect them against the exploitation of the International Bankers.

The agents of the international bankers organized active lobbying. They used intimidation. But despite all their efforts paragraph 5, of Section 8, of the First article of the new American Constitution read : “CONGRESS SHALL HAVE THE POWER TO COIN MONEY AND REGULATE THE VALUE THEREOF”.

The vast majority of the United States’ citizens consider the Constitution an honoured, and almost sacred, document. All laws passed since then are SUPPOSED to conform with the provisions of the Constitution. The fact that subsequent legislation dealing with finance and currency, have been in violation of the provisions laid down in Article 1, Section 8, paragraph 5, proves how powerful the bankers have been in the political field.

Now consider our government today. The money is held and printed by the private banks of the Federal Reserve. The endless wars financed are identical to the wars England financed at the time of our revolution. The defining of corporations as people in our country was the final piece of the puzzle that allowed international corporations exclusive power over our government.

As of 2012, the United States of America is a complete corporatocracy, and it is bankrupt. These bankers have now set their sites on China. They controlled England and after bankrupting it, the came after the USA. Now that the USA is bankrupt, they are going after the new global financial powerhouse…..China.

Itia (Abroad)

Islam : The New Communism. Modern Slavery

February 12, 2012 Leave a comment

If you think that the greatest threat of Islam is terrorism, then you have missed the elephant in the room. Islam’s greatest threat is slavery.

All religions pose a threat to humanity
, but Islam poses a specific threat that most Muslims will deny even exists, but it raises its ugly head every day. To the last one, all of the Islamic people I know in California will tell you the same B.S. story of the way Muhammad created an empire. The lies they tell are quite specific.

1) Muhammad went into each city and created religious freedom. They say that he told everyone about the true way to God and then let them choose for themselves.

2) Islam loves and accepts Christians and Christ. They only have a problem with the way Christians look at the Bible as the truth since Muslims believe that Christ never died on the cross , but rather went up into heaven and will return soon.

3) They say that he set down the “true and fair laws of god” as a way to rule the world in peace. That the laws of society in Islam are the best and most just laws possible.

4) Lastly, they tell you that there is no mistake in the Quran.

Their belief in the utter flawlessness of the Quran is the first hint that they rule with an iron fist. Even in Christianity, most scholars believe that the edits in the Bible are flawed and that some of the old testament beliefs and laws are archaic and primitive. But the Muslims don’t have this kind of open society. There is no debate. Islam is the most pure and cruel form of communism on the planet. All variation from the belief of the church state is punishable by death. While every other communistic society on our planet is moving towards socialism, Islam is trying to create a form of communism that has never existed before. Complete domination of every individual right and freedom by the few religious leaders who rule the country.

This was highlighted in the case of Hamza Kashgari. Hamza is accused of insulting the prophet Muhammad on Twitter. He is called a Saudi Arabian Journalist, which may make him sound like he is a professional at insults, but his twitter is so benign that it could be from any one of us.

It is a confession of a lapse in faith. I had the same feelings as a teenager. In his world of violence, slavery of women, laws of cruelty, and morons seeking ultimate power, it is easy to understand his statement, “I have loved things about you and I have hated things about you, and there is a lot I don’t understand about you. I will not pray for you.”

Once Hamza stated this he was considered an “apostate” and was sought by police as a criminal. In his country of Saudi Arabia (a close ally of the United States and the country that gave us 15 of the 19 hijackers of 911) he would be tried in a court of religious zealots and sentenced to death for this statement. So he fled to Malaysia. (Not the smartest thing to do to run from one ignorant country to an even more ignorant country). Malaysia has the same slavery based legal system as Saudi Arabia. They agree that to insult Mohammed is punishable by death…so they detained him and deported him to Saudi Arabia as a criminal.

So there you have it. Islam is a slave based culture. It is highly documented that Islam enslaves women. With this most recent and publicized case of Mr. Hamza Kashgari, it can now be established as fact that all of Islam is slavery. Any variation from acceptance as a slave to the rulers of Islam is punishable by death.

Oh, and BTW, the Quran allows slaves, slave women, slave concubines (sex slaves). How does that sit with a belief that the Quran is a book without any errors.

As for Mr. Hamza Kashgari, I am sorry that you were born in such an uncivilized country as Saudi Arabia. As for me, I agree. Muhammad is a fraud and I will not pray to him either! I guess I won’t be visiting an Islamic country any time soon. Not that I would want to anyway…they all seem to be the dirtiest and most poorly governed places on the planet.

Itia (Abroad)

Karl Rove and Clint Eastwood : 1 Traitor and 1 Patriot

February 8, 2012 Leave a comment

Karl Rove insulted one of our country’s great patriots and we need to respond. Mr. Eastwood, we agree with you. Thank you for the positive message. We do need to stand up again. We do need to look at Detroit as an example of how we can rebound. Mr. Eastwood, we apologize for letting a traitor like Karl Rove roam the streets and television airwaves of our country.

Clint Eastwood / Chrysler Commercial

The video, played during the Superbowl was meant as a sincere pep talk to the people of our great country. Karl Rove decided to bad mouth it.

“I was, frankly, offended by it.

I’m a huge fan of Clint Eastwood, I thought it was an extremely well-done ad, but it is a sign of what happens when you have Chicago-style politics, and the President of the United States and his political minions are, in essence, using our tax dollars to buy corporate advertising and the best-wishes of the management which is benefited by getting a bunch of our money that they’ll never pay back.”

Here is the resume of Karl Rove : Secret prisons, never charging detainees, torture, the outing of a CIA agent, lying to lead the United States into an unnecessary war, and a secret illegal wiretapping of his fellow American citizens.

Karl Rove has done more to tarnish the reputation of our country than almost any other American. We cannot forget that he was part of the Bush team that brought us to the sad place we are today.

Bottom line is that Karl Rove (the traitor) is proudly put on broadcast television by Fox News to bad mouth Clint Eastwood (the patriot). This should not be taken lightly, or accepted in any way by the rest of us Americans. Karl Rove needs to go away. Put him on trial for his crimes. This man is poison for our country.

Itia (abroad)

US Makes Hypocritical Statement of the Decade at the UN

February 5, 2012 Leave a comment

US Ambassador Susan Rice wins the award for the most hypocritical statement of the decade at the United Nations!

Her statement this week, “The United States is disgusted that a couple of members of this council continue to prevent us from fulfilling our sole purpose.”, is followed globally by a request that she LOOK IN A MIRROR.

America is the king of United Nations vetoes that keep the UN from fulfilling its mission. America has had multiple vetoes of every attempt by the United Nations to end Israel’s killing of civilians in Lebanon, Palestine, and other countries.

America vetoed a condemnation of Israel aircraft attacks in Lebanon that killed 100

US Vetoes a United Nations resolution condemning illegal Jewish settlements in Palestine.

In fact, in a news piece by Israel, bragging about how they have the US in their back pocket, you can see how the United States has been the only country to object to the criminal activities of Israel that have killed countless innocent civilians, and stolen property from countless others.

The votes in the United Nations were: (The 1 vote was always the US, with veto power in the United Nations)

Vetoed: 10-1 (U.S.), with 4 abstentions (Australia, Denmark, UK, France)
Vetoed: 11-1 (U.S.), with 3 abstentions (Australia, Denmark, UK)
Vetoed: 13-1 (US), with one abstention (Thailand)
Vetoed: 11-1 (U.S.), with 3 abstentions (Australia, Denmark, UK)
Vetoed: 10 -1 (US), with 4 abstentions (Australia, Denmark, France, UK)
Vetoed 13-1 (US), with 1 abstention (UK)
Vetoed 14-1 (US)
Vetoed 14-1 (US)
Vetoed 14-1 (US)
Vetoed 14-1 (US)
Vetoed 14-1 (US)
Vetoed 14-1 (US)
Vetoed 14-1 (US)
Vetoed 14-1 (US)
Vetoed 14-1 (US)
Vetoed 14-1 (US)
Vetoed 13-1,1 (US)
Vetoed 9-1 (US),with four abstentions(Britain, France, Ireland and Norway)
Vetoed 12-1 (US)with two abstentions(Britain and Norway)
12-1 (US) with two abstentions (Bulgaria and Cameroon)
Vetoed 11-1 (US)with three abstentions(Britain, Germany and Bulgaria)
Vetoed 10-1 with four absentations (Britain, Germany, Bulgaria and Cameroon)
Vetoed 11-1 (US)with three absentations(Britain, Germany, Romania)
Vetoed 11-1 (US)with three absentations(Britain, Germany, Romania)
Vetoed 10-1 (US)with four absentations(Britain, Peru, Denmark and Slovakia)
Vetoed 10-1 (US)with four absentations(Britain, Denmark, Japan and Slovakia)
Vetoed 14-1 (US)

Imagine if we in America watched our congress vote nearly unanimously (with one vote against) for a law or document. Imagine that one person in congress had the “veto power” to stop everything that was good and right from happening….

That is the way to describe the United Nations….and that is why the United States, and Susan Rice, win the award for the most hypocritical statement made at the United Nations in the past decade.

Yes, it is upsetting that the violence in Syria continues, but the United States is the LAST country on this planet that should talk about another country blocking the mission of the U.N.

Itia (abroad)

This will be the last time you believe oil prices float freely in the market.

February 3, 2012 Leave a comment

Its time to end any delusion that oil is a free market commodity. It is time to realize that oil is a tool for politics and powerful countries to wield over the populations of this earth.

Oil cost fluctuations can control the opinions of nations. Most historians will say that we found that out in the oil crisis of 1973. I believe the most crucial thing that was discovered in the oil crisis of 1973 was that fear over oil shortages would support insane prices. Take a look at the before and after prices of barrels of oil.

The odd thing about the whole oil crisis in my mind was that America produced a large percentage of the world’s oil that year. 1973 US oil production was 10.95 million barrels a day which represents 18.7% of the worlds production. Why were we experiencing a shortage at all? We had enough oil for our country. Why was it not refined?

If you look at US crude oil production from then until now you see a steady decline. It is not because of the amount of crude that is available on US soil, but rather a definite plan to be the last one on earth with oil. America could increase its oil production 3 fold if it exploited the Alaska fields, or even just exploiting the Williston Basin in North Dakota.

That is the history of this “managed market” of the oil commodity. Now look at today’s news for the greatest proof of manipulation.

America has reversed the actions of 1973. In 1973, OPEC had an embargo against the United States. Now in 2012, the United States has an embargo against Iran. Iran produces about 4.25 million barrels of oil per day, for about 4.9% of the world oil supply. In any market with high demand, when 5% of the market source is taken out of the market, prices skyrocket.

But that is not the case with this embargo. Oil prices are falling rapidly. The former $110 price per barrel is now less than $97 and Shell Oil says that the price may drop to $70 a barrel this year.

So understand this correctly. Five percent of the worlds oil production has been cut off and oil prices have slipped 15%????? The threat of war in the middle east is imminent according to Defense Secretary Leon Paneta Israel could attack Iran as early as this spring.

So with imminent war in the middle east and 5% of the production already being cut…….why are oil prices decreasing?

Only one answer. It is a false market. It is driven by political motives and not by a true market demand. It is one of those things that the powerful people in this world realize it too large to keep track of, so they play games with the prices and with our lives.

Those who still do not believe in the oil market being a completely artificial market will say “what is the motivation this time”? It seems pretty simple to me. High oil prices will lower the willingness of Americans to support a war in Iran. If oil is only $70 a barrel, then “hell why not” will be the attitude. If oil was $130 a barrel and fuel prices were $4 per gallon, then there is no way the war would be supported.

Nothing we can do about it. Corporations are in charge. Just upsetting to realize we live in such a screwed up world.

Itia (abroad)

Biggest Holders of US Debt : The Debt Lie

February 2, 2012 3 comments

Paul Toscano of CNBC released an article on what he called the “Biggest Holders of US Government Debt”. His article is misleading in many ways, and completely wrong in its main assumption.

When he lists “Federal Reserve and Intragovernmental Holdings” as the primary holder of US Government Debt, it is misleading. To say that the Federal Reserve, which is printing the money, and is buying the debt with that printed money, is a “holder of US debt” is impossible. When money is printed it is sold to a 3rd party who gives value for that printed paper. When the printers of that money use the same printed money to buy the debt it is all smoke and mirrors. There is no actual transfer of value. No payment. No “PURCHASE”.

There are two sickening byproducts to this activity, and they should both be grounds to prosecute those who are taking part in this activity.

1) The Federal Reserve gains more debt paper against the US Tax Payer and can therefore charge the US Tax Payer interest on that paper. In essence they are giving us a loan without giving us any value for that loan. Using something that has no value (Their purchase of US Debt with the legal tender that they printed at no cost to them). Isn’t that the definition of fraud or even Ponzi Scheme?

2) They are making a false demand for US Debt. The greatest fear of the US Government is the day in which an auction of US Treasuries is held and there are no buyers. What Mr. Toscano’s statement about the largest holders of US debt tells us is that there is not nearly the demand for US debt as you hear in the news.

U.S. Receives Record Demand For Its Bonds Under Obama

Record Demand for US Debt Leads Some to Call for More Government Borrowing

Record demand for US debt : The Hill

Can you see the game? Tell everyone that demand is high. Bet that they won’t guess that it is you buying your own debt with your own printed paper. Trick them into allowing you to borrow more. Trick the US Government into spending more.

The US Government won’t stop spending until we reach our “Credit Limit”. The truth is we reached it a long time ago. When the Federal Reserve buys its own debt paper, then the government thinks that we have more credit to spend because, after all, we sold all the debt paper we had to sell at the auction…….right?

Wrong. The Federal Reserve is thrilled that we have an 15+ trillion dollar debt. They are loving every penny of interest they receive. Private bank….private bankers….sucking the United States dry.

How do they keep the Ponzi Scheme going? They put out false information. Take a look at the USA Today article about foreign investment in the US.

Foreign holdings of Treasuries hits record high In this article the Federal Treasury announced: Total foreign holdings increased 1.7% in November to $4.75 trillion.

This makes it sound like the international demand for US debt is at an all time high. If that is true, then why is China selling off their debt?

The bottom line is that this is a rigged game. At $6.328 trillion the Federal Reserve and Intragovernmental Holdings is five times higher than the next closer investor. With the current debt of around 15 trillion dollars, that means that they hold over 1/3 of the total debt. That means that a third of the time, auctions do not have enough buyers so the Fed buys its own debt.

Itia (Abroad)