
Posts Tagged ‘american dollar’

Your American Dollar

It is sad to know that all the work that our forefathers did in the 1700’s in creating a financially independent country have been for nothing.

Many don’t know that we started the American Revolutionary War because we refused to accept the order from Britain that we only use their bank and that the interest from all loans go to them instead of staying in America. We won the Revolutionary War and created multiple documents that were supposed to be the cornerstones of our country. They all mentioned the fact that we were to be masters of our own financial destiny.

Fast Forward to 1913. President Woodrow Wilson was backed by bankers in his bid to be president. These bankers backed him on the condition that they get control of the money supply. Woodrow Wilson won the Presidency through their campaign financing. In 1913, these same bankers met privately and wrote the bill that Congress would later pass creating the Federal Reserve. It was at this point that the United States of America, as our founders intended it to be, was lost forever.

These bankers moved quickly to steal every penny of wealth from the country. By 1971 they had devalued the currency to absolute zero and established a credit based economy. They had stolen every penny of true value from the country and were now on a path to steal as much value from other countries that believed the United States was the best place to invest. In 1971, Nixon removed the United States from the Gold Standard. He did this because countries were starting to realize that our money was worthless and began cashing it in for gold. As Nixon put it, we would be out of gold in a very short time if he did not make that decision.

So in 1913 we gave up control of our own currency, and in 1971, by Presidential Order, we made it completely worthless and backed by absolutely nothing.

Without this control and tie to a commodity, the Federal Reserve was free to rape the world with our currency. There are so many dollars in circulation now that they don’t even count them anymore. See if you can find the total monetary supply figure. See if you can find out who are the owners of the Federal Reserve. See if you can find out how much money the owners of the Federal Reserve made last year.

I get so tired of Americans not having a clue about their own country. As much as I hate the Federal Reserve for killing my country, I am just as angry at Americans who still are letting them get away with it.

It is time to bring all the families of the Federal Reserve to JUSTICE. It is time to take back the American dollar. Stop letting bankers take over half of every tax dollar you pay in interest payments.

The truth is that there is no possible way for us to pay our current debt. There is no solution as long as the bankers keep printing more money and charging us interest for each dollar printed.


The American Dollar

February 2, 2010 Leave a comment

Letter from Itia

The pitiful dollar bill. Did I mention how expensive it is to live in this Insane America? It costs almost 70 percent of my waking hours. I don’t count the time in money because the U.S. Dollar is worthless. You cannot compare value with something that is worthless. No gold, no silver, not even seashells back the U.S. Dollar. It is so simple and obvious as a pyramid scheme. All the money goes right back to those who printed it.

When Woodrow Wilson said Ok to the creation of the independent monetary system run by a group of bankers, it was a deal that was worse than the beads offered to the Indians to purchase Manhattan. In less than a century, those same banking interests have taken the U.S. Currency from a gold standard to a peer pressure standard. I call it a peer pressure standard because the only value that the U.S. Dollar has is exactly equal to the amount of pressure the U.S. Government can put on you to accept the worthless currency.

Many of the insane people who live around me have lost everything. They owe more on their home than it is worth in today’s market. Their stocks have dropped to half their value, and their retirement fund has taken the same type of hit. They trusted the pitiful dollar, and it led them like every other previous generation, through a time of plenty, only to have it all taken away again. The funniest part of the latest economic calamity is that the crazy Americans believe it is patriotic to suffer for the American Dollar, and that losing everything to keep the U.S. Dollar strong is worth it.

How insane is that? Believing that supporting the bankers of the federal reserve, which has absolutely NOTHING to do with the United States, is patriotic. It is now unspoken, but understood in America, that the dollar is the new U.S. Constitution, and that the wisdom of our forefathers no longer applies.

Help, I am Itia