
Posts Tagged ‘rapture’

Good Morning “non raptured” Christians

Hello and welcome to a new day on planet Earth.  Some places will be warm and sunny today, other places will be cold and wet.  Just another day where nature is in charge and the superstitions of backwards thinking humans mean nothing.

In news today, look around for red faced people with frowns.  They are the Christians who did not get raptured today.  You should find them wandering aimlessly as they have no plans for the rest of their lives. (Oh, and if you hear some of them say that it is still not the end of the day, remind them that the day has ended in some part of the world unless their god is only god of their time zone.)

Over the past couple of years we have heard about the “hidden” Bible calendar that was recently deciphered.  Christians used it as proof that the Bible was the word of god.  After all, what book could have such and obvious calendar that remained undecipherable for two thousand years and then suddenly seem so obvious?

Thousands of Christians changed their entire life in anticipation of this day.  The famous website was one of the biggest promoters of this day of rapture.  They talked Christians into leaving their homes and traveling in caravans until the day of the lord came.  Chances are if you don’t visit their site today you will miss all their crazy predictions.  Here are some more sites that promoted this foolishness.

Kansas USA

We Can Know

May 21 2011

For real this time

Embedded Bible Secrets

Dateline Zero

E Bible Fellowship


I am really sorry that you are not in heaven today.  But then again if you did think that the rapture was going to happen and that the rest of us were going to burn in a lake of fire for all eternity…..then you are a real jerk.

Maybe the world would be a better place if you were raptured.  Hey, here is an idea.  Why don’t all the Christians build a giant “Ark spaceship” and blast it to the moon to wait for god there?  Then the rest of us who are concerned about our planet, concerned about the future of our species, and have evolved beyond the potential for foolish superstition, can move forward without having to deal with you crazies.

When it comes right down to the core facts, our world is not such a good place to live because of all the wars and violence.  Come to think of it, all the wars and violence going on today are due to fighting over which god is the best.  Christians, Jews and Muslims seem to be killing a lot of people in preparation for some weird sort of “end times” and “judgment day’ for our planet.  The craziest part about all the wars and arguments is that the Christians, Muslims and Jews all worship the same god.  They just gave him a different name for their own culture and told everyone that the other cultures were worshiping a fake god.

I really think the world would be a beautiful, peaceful, and wonderful place if it were devoid of religion.  Even if there were a god (which there is not) the world would be a better place without him.  So please….pray harder.  Get your god to come here and get you all off our planet.  Then we can get on with the evolution of our species.

Itia (Abroad)

America’s newest scam artists : The Rapture Scam

March 25, 2011 1 comment

Every time someone falls for a scam artist it comes down to a false belief in one of two things. Either the scam artist has convinced you that you will make money, or they have convinced you that they have something more valuable than money.

Examples of “more money” scams include Ponzi schemes, pyramid schemes, casinos, motivational speakers, and “god will reward your tithe” churches.

Examples of “something more important than your money” scams include : Diet pills, Diet Coke, hair restoration creams, match making services, churches, and the newest American scam…..The Rapture.

There are dozens of websites that claim to know a date when the rapture will occur. These are the scam artists, or simply followers of scam artists who don’t know any better so they are unwittingly promoting the scam. Now I have always had an issue with those who claim that there is a rapture coming. It is one of the most hateful things you can say to another human being. In essence they are saying that the earth is ending, they are being rescued and you are left behind to burn.

If you ask a Christian about this they will tell you that it is not hateful. They want you to come. They want you to avoid the horror.

Yeah…..ok…….what about the other six billion people? Didn’t think once about them did you?

But beyond the hate crime that is spoken every Sunday by churches around the world, those who have put a date on the rapture have taken the criminal activity to a whole new level.

The addition of the date to the rapture myth is critical to the scam artist. Without a date, people are not emotionally separated from their wealth. If the rapture is some unknown date in the future, a person will hold on to their money to make sure they live comfortably until then. But if you have a date, then the entire Bible is on your side. It screams in verse after verse to let go of everything when the rapture comes. It says that everything is worthless and the world will pass away.


That is exactly what the scam artists need. Today thousands of Americans are selling their homes or simply abandoning their homes, and going out on caravans waiting for May 21st. That is the official day the scam artists say that the world will end. Others who stay in their homes are giving unprecedented amounts of cash to the church to buy away their guilt for holding on to their homes.

All this money is going into the hands of a few people who dreamed this whole scam up.

With only a little bit of logic, the victims of this scam could save themselves alot of heartache and embarrassment. Putting a date on the rapture, even if it were true, is impossible. The Bible was written in a time where there was only one day and one night. Most of the world was unknown to the writers of the Bible. Not only did they believe it was flat. They also believed that everyone on the earth had the same morning and the same evening.

Lets say that the official prediction of the rapture is indeed May 21st. That would be May 21st Israel time. If it is 12:01am in Israel, then it is still the 20th in America. If it is 5pm in Israel, then it is the 22nd in China. The key is ….. There IS NO DAY ON WHICH THE RAPTURE CAN HAPPEN. Any day, any time, any time zone. It doesn’t matter. Somewhere in the world it is a different day.


Stupid Christians.

Itia (Abroad)