Home > American Society, politics > Stephen Colbert Pokes Holes in the Veiled Democracy

Stephen Colbert Pokes Holes in the Veiled Democracy

On January 12th, 2012, Steven Colbert announced he would seek the South Carolina GOP nomination.

Fact or fiction, Mr. Colbert punches multiple holes in the veil of democracy in America. At the beginning of the video he completes his long and detailed deconstruction of the democracy breaking “super Pac” laws in the United States. At the end of the video he makes his announcement to run (or explore the possibility of running).

The announcement was brought about by a “Public Policy Polling” poll that found that Colbert, without any spending in the state, would get more votes than Huntsman.

Immediately following the announcement, the GOP announced that he was 100% blocked from running for President. The interview on ABC revealed in the first few moments that the GOP responded to his announcement by saying they do not have “write in” capabilities in their process of finding a candidate.

The entire interview can be seen at : ABC News Interview with Stephen Colbert

Mr. Colbert, through his own methods is waging one of the most brilliant wars against American corruption in the history of the nation. He is educating the public on a scale never before seen, and is attacking those who destroyed the democracy head on.

Though years of “dumbing down” American citizens, The United States had created a majority of uneducated, zombie-like conservatives who have been walking a party line of insanity for decades. It remains to be seen if Mr. Colbert can wake up the minds of the American masses and correct the damage that has been done.

If not corrected, we will have another Middle Eastern war on our hands in less than a year. If successful, we will have a moderate government that brings spending in line, and removes the blockades to democracy in our country.

Good luck Stephen!

Itia (abroad)

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