
Archive for June, 2010

Laws of Human Physics

I heard today that laws in quantum physics were the real programming language of the universe and that our standard Einstein based physics was the program that was being run.
Programs all have a set of rules. Rules are the lines of code that take variables and assign exact values to them. Here is one such rule that I have discovered. “If you act according to making your life easier, you always make someone else’s life more difficult. If you act according to making everyone’s life easier, you always make everyone’s life easier.”
Greed, envy, and animalistic drive all have the same consequence in nature. Things suffer and other select things benefit. When you talk of symbiotic relationships as being the best that nature can do with a life that lives for the benefit of everything, you see the challenge for humans. Can we achieve something greater than symbiotic relationships? The reason I question it is that all animals and plant forms that have gone into symbiotic relationships has been genetically altered, life cycle stressed, and hopelessly inbred as a result of creating a use for humans.
To think that we as humans can start living even for the good of the human species and not even considering other life forms, is a stretch at best. The thought of humans adopt a policy of living with nature instead of consistently enslaving nature is beyond hope.
Humans in our generation and the generation before it, the Baby Boomers, have no concept or even conscious thought of living with less of a “footprint” on this planet, and have put very little effort in to colonizing other planets. The people who actively fight against the environmentalists are at the center of our current de-evolution crisis.

World Cup Wonder

The world cup football (soccer) tournament is a wonder in the modern world. The match today where the first African World Cup Finals Game won by an African Nation occurred when Ghana won on a penalty kick in the second half due to a hand ball by a Serbian player. The game between Serbia and Ghana was a game between two war torn countries that are healing quickly. The game the previous day between the United States and England, a game where England was heavily favored to win, ended up tying the U.S. 1 to 1 after a completely muffed save attempt by the English keeper.

Sports in the United States have become predictable, and the joy of watching baseball or basketball has become the joy of watching individuals more than teams, the world cup is a wonder of anticipation and feeling as you are watching the evolution of the world on a highly scientific scale.

The world cup is giving us a very detailed view of the increased love of soccer in countries like the United States, where U.S. competition has become ever more close to the level of the World’s best football nations, and like Ghana who have been able to field a mature, competent and extremely athletic team that can capture World Cup Finals victories.

Its a blast seeing the United States in the role of an emerging power instead of our current political mess.

In the match between Serbia and Ghana, Ghana was obviously the team with the most endurance and showed a very high pace of passes and runs. Serbia was on their heels most of the game. We will have to see how they keep their poise against a powerhouse like Germany in their future match, but it seems as if they have hit the stage of the World Cup showing the ability to dominate a game with footwork and effort. America, on the other hand, showed extreme weakness in the first half of their game. The only shining factor was the defense against the world class player, Rooney, from the English side. The second half, however, the United States showed it could play even with the English as the defense and offense improved, but the offense was unable to achieve a legitimate goal.
Watching the emerging teams in the World Cup makes the event even more exciting to watch. Not many of the first groups are fully decided. Many have relatively sure picks, but not both teams that will continue onward. Ghana now looks to be one of those teams. How far can Africa take its own into this cup is another exciting thing to watch.

American Paralysis : History Lesson From 2010

The United States of America has entered a period of political and democratic paralysis. If this were a game of chess, the American public would be in check mate. Our founding fathers gave us a single tool to dictate the future of our country and that tool has been taken away from us. Voting in America in 2010 is like a burnt piece of toast. You can turn it over as many times as you like, but both sides are still inedible. We have two political parties, Republicans and Democrats. Both parties are run by their own internal and highly secretive groups. As it turns out, both parties have the same inner core dictating the policy of the party, hence both parties are making the same devastatingly bad decisions for the future of our country. Here is a summary of the decision they have made:

1) Our money has not basis in value.
2) We no longer track our debt (total money supply)
3) We call other countries “enemies” even though they have never attacked or even hinted of an attack against our country.
4) We assassinate foreign leaders that we disagree with in principle.
5) We set up blockades around countries to keep food or other daily goods from entering.
6) We have our own soldiers occupying foreign countries with no end in sight.
7) Our government uses the phrase “national security” to hide secrets from the public.
8) We have government agencies that prey on our own citizens in complete secrecy
9) We have secret prisons that house thousands.
10) We torture.
As an American Citizen, I am paralyzed to do anything about these horrible government decisions. My vote means nothing. My protests go unheard. Letters and emails are lost in the piles of correspondence in Washington DC. I am an American and there is not one thing that I can do to change the horrible things my country is doing.
I am not alone. Half of my countrymen are with me, but we have no power. The other half have been successfully brain washed to believe that all the horrible things that are happening are part of some divine plan by a supreme god. Even if they believed as we do, there is nothing we can do.
To everyone reading this document, please understand the truth about America. America is no longer a democracy. America is tightly controlled by a few powerful families who run a few powerful international corporations. They are the ones with direct access to the politicians. Their “political action committees” are the source of the funds that decide which candidates will run for office in each party. Their argument is that Americans are too stupid to control their own destiny. The sad truth is that they may be right. We are an uneducated, superstitious and ill tempered society. This article simply states that our “inalienable rights” have been taken from us in a most brilliant and perverted way. This article simply states that America is no longer a country run by its people. American Democracy in 2010 is a myth. The American public is paralyzed and has no ability to make decisions any longer.


Rush Limbaugh, America’s Sad Truth

If you want to know who Rush Limbaugh is, don’t read the body of his books, read the introduction.

In the introduction of Rush’s books, he tells you exactly who he is and why he does the things he does.

The introduction to “See I Told You so” states, “You hold in your hot little hands, my friends, America’s next great publishing milestone. Soon, see i told you so will eclipse all the publishing records known in the English-Speaking World.” Rush is not interested in right or wrong. Rush is not interested in helping America. Rush is interested in Rush. Rush is a self promoting shock jock. He is not even an original. All of his antics and in fact his entire business plan for success is plagiarized from Howard Stern.

If you go back a few pages to the Acknowledgments page you will see that Joseph Farah is the true researcher and writer of this book. Rush just added the exclamations and other statements that he knows full well will capture the older American’s hearts and minds. HE IS DOING THIS FOR THE MONEY!!!

The sad truth is that Americans are stupid enough to fall for this shock jock approach to politics. Even sadder is the fact that Rush Limbaugh has had an effect on our economy. His fear tactics contribute to many bad decisions by those idiot American’s who take him seriously.

Maybe if we actually taught logic and critical thinking in our schools we could rise above the influence of self serving entertainers like Rush Limbaugh. Unfortunately, the sad truth is that day will never come.


Bernanke Reassures On Economy

Having Ben Bernanke reassure you on the economy is like having a drug dealer tell you that your not an addict. If you would ever take the time to listen to the historical statements of the Fed Chairmen of the past, you will realize that you only hear one of 6 or 7 responses. None of them are accurate. None of them have anything to do with the real status of our economy.

Ben Bernanke is the spokesperson for the Federal Reserve. The title “Chairman” in this case specifically means that he occupies the chair of the spokesperson for the Federal Reserve.

Does Ben Bernanke study the economy? Maybe. Does Ben Bernanke decide whether the interest the Federal Reserve charges us on our own money goes up or down? NO.

Like good little cocaine addicts, the men of Wall Street listen to Ben tell them that they don’t have a problem, and they go on to buy enough coke to party for a few more months.

When did we stop listening to the citizens of this country? Ask your neighbor how the economy is doing and you will get an honest answer. As your local business how the economy is doing and you will get an accurate answer. Ask Ben Bernanke how the economy is doing and you get a response that was written for him by the ever secret bankers of our most criminal Federal Reserve.


Weak women and Running Men

June 7, 2010 1 comment

I am a man. I have been programmed with confidence and the desire to compete. It was not until I reached the end of my time of competition (around 40 years old) that I was able to look more closely at how I was programmed.
The term “mid-life crisis” has been over used in our generation, but it is a very important time for men. It is the moment at which your delusion that you are superior to everyone else disappears. It is that moment of truth when you realize that even if you do still think you are more capable than others, you now know that your body is not. The actual crisis is not that we can no longer compete with the youth. It is a crisis of how misguided and programmed we were during our youth. For some who cannot think logically it is just a sense of loss and hopelessness. For those of us who can it is a time of embarrassment and anger. The marketing of our youth worked on us. We ran the never ending race until our legs could no longer keep up. It was only then, standing on the sideline, watching the younger men run past me with the stern faces of determination of a finish line that never comes, that began to understand the concepts of strength and weakness.
These are not terms of potential. These are terms of programming. A man’s fear of weakness drives him to do things that no rational human would do at any point in their life. A man’s belief in strength and the glory of power have been engrained in his being to where he is no longer a human, but just a warrior. I am not strong, nor weak. I am just a fool who believed in these fairytales until I was 40.
As I sat on the sidelines watching the race, I noticed I was surrounded by women. These were not women who just fell out of the race as I did. They were women who had been programmed that they were to sit and cheer at the sideline of the male race. They too believed that the men running the race were destined for some finish line that was just around the corner. These were the weak women. These were women who were programmed to think that they are “sexual beings”, “mothers”, and “nurses” and nothing more. Their acceptance of weakness made them simply tools to the running men. Occasionally a man would fall down and his weak woman would nurse him back to health. Other times a man would stop the race just long enough to mount his weak woman for sexual purposes. You could always tell how completely a woman bought into the idea of being the weak sex by how much time they spent on making themselves look like the whore they believed their men liked to look at. It is true that these women would be mounted more by the running men, but the minds of the men were always on the race. The sex was just to fill a need.
As I sat and watched the insanity go on, I noticed that every once in a while a weak woman would pop out a child. They would program them with the same concept of strength and weakness. Their daughters would take the own place on the sideline of the race and wait for a single man to choose them as their cheerleader. The boys would be pushed out into the race as early as possible. In fact the other mothers would praise the mothers who got their boys out into the race especially early in life.
There were a few women racing with the men. These were the ones who considered themselves rebels. They refused to be one of the weak women, and jumped into the race with the men to prove that they were just as strong. Indeed they did run the race of insanity just as well as the men. To think that they were revolutionaries or even rebellious though was laughable.
It was not until I turned around and walked away from the race that I was introduced to the real strength of my society. There were women, men and children all enjoying the park. They knew the race was being run but they did not want to participate. I spoke to some of them. It turns out that most of the men had been running the race when they either came upon enough money to quit and make their own life, or they simply choose to be poor and free. Here in the park were strong women who were truly equal to their spouses. There were kids being raised as humans and not animals born to race. Yes there was sex in the park, but it was different from the quick mounting of the runners onto the cheerleaders. This was mutual, caring, sensual, touch based sex. It was as different from the runner/cheerleader sex as beautiful is from ugly.
Now I am a bit older and I am among those in the park. Every time I am in the city, in an office, or passing by a row of cubicles, I realize how horrible my years of racing were. Every time I pass a woman who’s only goal in life is to please a man, I realize how horrible it must be to be programmed for weakness. The hardest part about life is the knowledge that I cannot undo the programming that these individuals have been subject to, or to even change a single life. I cannot compete against hours and hours of television influence every day. I find myself spending more time in the park with humans and less time in the cities with the runners and cheerleaders.


Rock the Vote : The insanity of American Democracy

In the age of our founding fathers, the simple battle was for freedom. It seemed obvious to them that the best way have a lasting democracy was to insure that the people vote to elect those who would lead. Unfortunately, our founding fathers had no idea that their governmental structure would lead to what I call an “easy back door” for controlling the country.
In the first dozen elections of our country, we had a true democracy. People voted for the person, who just happened to be a member of a political party. It was not until the presidency of Lincoln that the party became important and the person, less important. President Lincoln’s assassination was so devastating to our country, and his instant martyrdom created such a power base, that the Republican party could run on his legacy instead of the quality of the person running for office. It took only a few decades to totally bastardize American Democracy into a two party race where both parties were controlled by the same group of bankers.
Our founding fathers also had no idea about mass media marketing, and how easily lies can be portrayed and accepted as truth. They had no idea on how by simply controlling the press, you control the minds and hearts of Americans. They had no idea on how useless the vote would become. I honestly believe that not one of our forefathers would participate in the façade that we consider an election.
There is no going back. There is no way that we can trust an individual to follow through on campaign promises or hold to their beliefs. Even our most recent President Obama broke the one promise that got him into office. He did not end the wars America is fighting. All of us who held hope that he was an independent and not owned by the bankers are not left empty handed, again.
The only way we can recreate Democracy in America, the kind of democracy that means the government follows the will of the people, is to recreate the way we vote. We can no longer vote for individuals, as they always let us down. We can no longer have political parties, as they are always controlled by self serving men. The only way to recreate Democracy in America is to vote on issues rather than political office. Hold a vote for “Keep fighting the wars OR bring our troops home”. If that sounds like an over simplified method of Democracy, wake up. It is the only true, incorruptible form of Democracy. If someone is in political office and they do not obey the will of the people, then they are dismissed and imprisoned for their crime of treason.
Just because something is simple, does not mean that it is not the right way. Voting on issues is the only true form of Democracy. Voting for people in a two party system, is simply a “choose your dictator” style of governance. California has the basic idea of this new type of voting with their “initiatives”. Unfortunately, most California initiatives are pages and pages long. California believes that the voters have as much time as the salaried politicians to read the entire initiative that they are voting for or against. America needs to go down the same path as California, but to do it the right way. All voting should be on laws or initiatives that are one paragraph or less. That way a person can review the paragraph while voting and make a real and honest decision on the initiative.
I am not a participant in current elections because they are a complete waste of time. Nothing is accomplished no matter who is elected. If you believe otherwise, you have been living in a cave for the last century. Change the vote to be meaningful and I will participate. I love the idea of Democracy. I wish that I could say I was living in one. Change the way we vote to a meaningful Democracy and I will gladly and proudly participate. Until then, have fun with your game of power, I’m not interested.

Impossible to Forecast, Impossible to Prophecy

We are moving into a time when the speed of transition has increased to such a fast pace that we really have no idea how to tell what is in store for our society.

Yes, we do have unsolvable financial issues.
Yes, we do have unsolvable environmental issues.
Yes, we are in for an ever increasing amount of violent natural disasters.

These are some of the core reasons why environmentalists are becoming doom and gloom prophets. These are also some of the reasons why conservatives are prophesying a revolution. Both groups, however, have overstepped their ability to foresee the future.

The truth is that we are evolving at a pace much faster than society norms can adapt. Our technology is advancing much faster than Moore’s Law could ever predict. Our science is expanding our abilities faster and faster to the point at which most humans can no longer understand the basic information.

So here we are at a new frontier. Every time I find myself in a mood where I am negative on the future of our society, I simply start reading some science journals about new discoveries and I realize that those currently in power have no idea how to control the things that scientists are coming up with today.

My favorite example is Artificial Life. The upcoming special on the Science Channel documents the creation of the first artificial, self replicating cell, ever made by science.

Synthetic Life Press Relsease

This is the type of event changes the everything. Just like the first transistor, this will change the way life happens and is managed on our planet.

So quit worrying about all the things that Rush Limbaugh OR Al Gore are telling you. Science will always be once step ahead of these fools.


Your American Dollar

It is sad to know that all the work that our forefathers did in the 1700’s in creating a financially independent country have been for nothing.

Many don’t know that we started the American Revolutionary War because we refused to accept the order from Britain that we only use their bank and that the interest from all loans go to them instead of staying in America. We won the Revolutionary War and created multiple documents that were supposed to be the cornerstones of our country. They all mentioned the fact that we were to be masters of our own financial destiny.

Fast Forward to 1913. President Woodrow Wilson was backed by bankers in his bid to be president. These bankers backed him on the condition that they get control of the money supply. Woodrow Wilson won the Presidency through their campaign financing. In 1913, these same bankers met privately and wrote the bill that Congress would later pass creating the Federal Reserve. It was at this point that the United States of America, as our founders intended it to be, was lost forever.

These bankers moved quickly to steal every penny of wealth from the country. By 1971 they had devalued the currency to absolute zero and established a credit based economy. They had stolen every penny of true value from the country and were now on a path to steal as much value from other countries that believed the United States was the best place to invest. In 1971, Nixon removed the United States from the Gold Standard. He did this because countries were starting to realize that our money was worthless and began cashing it in for gold. As Nixon put it, we would be out of gold in a very short time if he did not make that decision.

So in 1913 we gave up control of our own currency, and in 1971, by Presidential Order, we made it completely worthless and backed by absolutely nothing.

Without this control and tie to a commodity, the Federal Reserve was free to rape the world with our currency. There are so many dollars in circulation now that they don’t even count them anymore. See if you can find the total monetary supply figure. See if you can find out who are the owners of the Federal Reserve. See if you can find out how much money the owners of the Federal Reserve made last year.

I get so tired of Americans not having a clue about their own country. As much as I hate the Federal Reserve for killing my country, I am just as angry at Americans who still are letting them get away with it.

It is time to bring all the families of the Federal Reserve to JUSTICE. It is time to take back the American dollar. Stop letting bankers take over half of every tax dollar you pay in interest payments.

The truth is that there is no possible way for us to pay our current debt. There is no solution as long as the bankers keep printing more money and charging us interest for each dollar printed.


Too good not to share. Israel Attacks Flotilla

I responded to a comment on the blog that gave the supporting argument that “Israel warned them. It’s not like they didn’t know it could happen”. So my simple response was not in my own words but in the words of Francis Sawyer in the movie Stripes with Bill Murray and Harold Ramis.

This is the foreign policy of Israel. ENJOY!

<a href="“>